Our Heart

"The Word became flesh and blood,
    and moved into the neighborhood." 

- John 1:14, The Message

This is the incarnation of Jesus. Christians believe that God left heaven and came to earth as a baby-- Jesus, the Messiah. But He didn't move into a palace for us to revere as King, instead He moved into the neighborhood to show us how to live. 

The authors of Good News in the Neighborhood believe where you live is no accident. Maybe you think you chose it, but as Christians, we believe God chose you to live where you live on purpose and for His purpose. We want to help you lean into getting involved in your community in meaningful ways. For centuries Christians have been the source of a lot of Good News in the Neighborhood, from taking in orphans and caring for the sick, to championing education for all children and building hospitals accessible to everyone. This curriculum is going to help you do that. 

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
- Mark 12:30-31

In the weeks and months to come we will dive deep into what it looks like, practically, for you today to love your neighbor. We promise you it'll be fulfilling because those writing this live it every day. We aren't pie in the sky academics, we're not going to tell you about how you might love your neighbors, we're leading by example. We're involved, we know it's messy, and yet we chose to do it anyway. 

Good News in the Neighborhood is built around the aspiration that loving our community is our highest calling. Jesus tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves, so let's figure out how to do that in our daily lives. Yes, it's hard. Yes, we mess up. But the more we lean into loving our neighbors the closer we find ourselves connecting with Jesus. 

Join us.

Who is this for? 

Originally, Good News in the Neighborhood was written for youth groups. But for the past ten years we've heard how it'd been adapted and used with all ages and all sorts of applications. With that in mind, this edition of the Good News in the Neighborhood has been rewritten for general use. 

We envision the Good News curriculum as helping people of all ages and easily adapted to many contexts. Church-based small groups, unofficial house churches, youth groups, bible study groups, families, and individuals. 

Why is it free? 

We want to get Good News in the Neighborhood, the core 6-week study that teaches the principles and experiments, in as many hands as possible. For the first 10-years it has sold very well within the youth ministry community, but we want to see it get utilized even more, so why not offer it for free? 

You are under no obligation to purchase anything. 


Fill out the form below and we'll let you know when new editions of the Good News in the Neighborhood curriculum and other great stuff from our partners are available. 

Good News in the Neighborhood